Topic: Government & Politics

Lesson Plan

Using Epistolary Forms as Historical/Social Context in Understanding Seminal Texts: Thomas Jefferson’s Letters from Paris, France as a Preclude to Charles Dicken’s, Tale of Two Cities.

This is a Lesson that is part of a six part Unit that serves as the precursor to reading Charles Dickens’ seminal text on social commentary, A Tale of Two...
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Virginia Company Charter

In 1606, the Virginia Company of London received this charter from King James I. In 1607, the company established the first permanent English colony in America at Jamestown. This charter...
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Virginia Declaration of Rights

In June 1776, Virginia’s temporary government—known as the Convention—unanimously adopted this Declaration of Rights. George Mason was the main author of the document, which aimed to secure the civil and...
Lesson Plan

Visualizing Self-Governance

What did the Founding Fathers think was necessary in order to maintain self-governance? Create a digital collage that explains what is necessary for self-government.
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Washington’s First Inaugural Address

This document is the text of George Washington’s first inaugural address as president. Although Washington chose not to mention particular policies that his administration would pursue, he pledged to serve...
Lesson Plan

Where Did Our Rights Come From?

Search through the British Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, and the Statute for Religious Freedom and find where the ideas of the U.S. Bill of Rights come from. Create...
Lesson Plan

Who Was Really Right?

Were the American colonists justified in resisting British policies and breaking away from the rule of Great Britain? To help you make up your own mind, read selected documents from...
Lesson Plan

Who was Thomas Jefferson? Exploring the Many Facets of Thomas Jefferson

As an introduction to Thomas Jefferson, students will discover the many facets of his life beyond being the author of The Declaration of Independence. Using primary sources, internet research, and...
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William Paterson

This portrait depicts William Paterson of New Jersey. During the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Paterson proposed a more moderate plan that kept many features of the Articles of Confederation. It...
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William Pitt

This portrait is of William Pitt, George III’s minister during the French and Indian War. Pitt crafted the strategy that insured Britain’s victory over France. Later, as a member of...