Topic: Protests

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The Boston Tea Party

This image from 1789 is a representation of the events of December 16, 1773. Disguised as Indians, colonists dumped nearly 90,000 pounds of East India Company tea into Boston harbor...
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The Bostonians in Distress

This image, printed in London, is an artist’s imaginative interpretation of the situation in Boston after Parliament’s passage of the Coercive Acts. Bostonians are held in a cage hanging from...
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The Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin

This document is a record of Benjamin Franklin’s testimony before Parliament in 1766. After colonists began to protest against the Stamp Act, political leaders in London asked Franklin to explain...
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The Sons of Liberty

After Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765, inhabitants of Baltimore and other major cities in the colonies banded together to protest the act. Men from all social classes participated...
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Thomas Jefferson

Gilbert Stuart, probably the leading portrait painter in the early American republic, produced this image of Jefferson in 1805, when the sixty-two-year-old Virginian was beginning his second term as president....
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Thomas Paine

This miniature portrait of Thomas Paine was painted by John Trumbull for Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was an admirer of Paine, whose pamphlet, Common Sense, helped promote popular sentiment for the...
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Tiananmen Square

This famous photograph shows a lone man in a white shirt confronting tanks sent to end pro-democracy protests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in June 1989. The Chinese government’s use of...