Topic: U.S. History

Lesson Plan

Who Was Really Right?

Were the American colonists justified in resisting British policies and breaking away from the rule of Great Britain? To help you make up your own mind, read selected documents from...
Lesson Plan

Who was Thomas Jefferson? Exploring the Many Facets of Thomas Jefferson

As an introduction to Thomas Jefferson, students will discover the many facets of his life beyond being the author of The Declaration of Independence. Using primary sources, internet research, and...
Lesson Plan

Who were the women of the Revolutionary War

Who is _______________________? (the person that you were assigned)
Lesson Plan

With Liberty Came Controversy

What does a good society look like now that Americans are living under the liberty they find in the newly scribed Constitution? Step into the world of the late 18th...
Lesson Plan

Word-powered Collage

Make an image collage based on the most used words in a historical document.
Lesson Plan

You have what power?

How did the rulings of the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden strengthen the Federal Government?
Lesson Plan

Your Reason for Treason-Templated

The actions of the revolutionaries could be considered treason against their British king. Which one of these grievances listed by the revolutionaries in the Declaration of Independence would drive you...