Every Coin has Two Sides

Duration: 100 minutes

In this lesson students will develop an understanding of historical perspective. The students will use the nickel as a metaphor for gaining an understaning to the paradox of Thomas Jefferson and slavery.  The goal is for students to understand that as historians we need to be careful to not let bias or preconceived ideas shape the…

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Every Coin Has Two Sides     View  |  Download
  • Every Coin - Slavery at Monticello Slideshow     View  |  Download
  • Every Coin - Slaves in Monticello Slideshow     View  |  Download
  • Every Coin - Putting Thomas Jefferson into Perspective     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

Middle School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Author Info

Emily Rourke
[email protected]
Twin Falls Middle School
46910 SE Middle Fork Rd
North Bend, WA 98045