Thomas Jefferson—The Man, the Myth, the Legend

Duration: 60-90 min

A Look into Jefferson’s views on education, slavery and innovations. Students participate in stations learning about Jefferson’s multi-faceted life, and then create a finished product demonstrating their interpretation of who Thomas Jefferson was and the impact he had on America.

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Thomas Jefferson: Man, Myth, Legend - Summative Assessment     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson: Man, Myth, Legend - Station Information     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson: Man, Myth, Legend - Student Handout     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

Middle School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Author Info

Name: Rhonda Watton
Email: [email protected]
School: Templeton Middle School
School Address: N59 W22490 Silver Spring Drive
City: Sussex
State: Wisconsin