Monticello and the Legacies of Slavery Traveling Exhibit

Monticello and the Legacies of Slavery panel

As the home of Thomas Jefferson and the best documented plantation in America, Monticello is an essential place to confront the paradox of slavery in a nation founded on the ideals of liberty and equality. Decades of archaeology, research, and a slave descendant oral history project have brought individuals out of the shadows of slavery. These sources have revealed stories of family resilience, the tragedies of sale and separation, and the struggle for freedom and equality.

Educators across the United States now have the opportunity to bring this exhibit to their schools, with no cost to your school. Pairing the exhibit with online resources and a free virtual field trip for your students makes it accessible for all to bring these important conversations about the legacies of slavery in America into the classroom.

What is it?

In 11 freestanding panels, Monticello and the Legacies of Slavery examines slavery at Monticello as well as its painful legacies, among them the burdens of inequality still carried by many people of color in the United States. It draws heavily from material gathered through the Getting Word Oral History Project, amplifying the voices of descendants of Monticello’s
enslaved community. It has been specifically designed to bring the power of place and ideas at Monticello to schools, libraries, and other community venues across the country. Download a one-page flyer here.

How much room is needed to display it?

The exhibit consists of 11 freestanding panels, which are easily configured to different spaces. Panels are approximately 33” wide and stand 88” high. The recommended space is 60-70 running feet.

How long will the exhibit be displayed at my school?

The exhibit is loaned for a one-month period at each venue.

How do I get more information or arrange for the exhibit to travel to my school?

Contact Mary Mason Williams at [email protected].

This exhibition is presented by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.