Topic: Food & Recipes

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All-weather Passage

Food from the kitchen was brought to the Dining Room along this all-weather passage that runs below Monticello and under its L-shaped wings.
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Aerial of the South Orchard, Vegetable Garden, and Vineyards

Jefferson grew hundreds of varieties of fruits and vegetables in his various gardens at Monticello.
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Monticello’s Vegetable Garden and Garden Pavilion

Jefferson grew over 330 varieties of vegetables at Monticello.

Ice Cream Recipe

Beat the yolks of 6 eggs until thick and lemon colored. Add, gradually, 1 cup of sugar and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil 1 quart of cream and pour slowly on the egg mixture. Put in top of double boiler and when thickens, remove and strain through a fine sieve into a…

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Notes on Macaroni and a Macaroni Machine

Jefferson’s undated drawing and notes on macaroni (pasta) and a macaroni machine....
Lesson Plan

Thomas Jefferson’s World: Movie Guide for Middle School Classrooms

A resource guide geared towards middle school classrooms, designed to accompany the 20-minute film Thomas Jefferson’s World...
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Anne Cary Randolph Account Book

Account book records kept by Jefferson's granddaughter, Anne Cary Randolph show a large number of purchases of produce from her father's slaves....
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Breakfast with the Madisons

Artist G.B. McIntosh imagines breakfast at Monticello with James and Dolley Madison as guests. Seen in the picture are: enslaved child Israel Gillette, age 12 carrying in food; Thomas Jefferson;...

Edith Hern Fossett, an enslaved cook

Edith Hern was born in 1787. Her father was David Hern, a carpenter. Her mother was Isabel, a housemaid and farm worker. Both were slaves. Edith married Joseph Fossett, and they had ten children.When Thomas Jefferson was president, he picked Edith to train to be a cook in the White House. For almost seven years,…


Exploring Monticello: A Guide for Young People

An illustrated brochure developed for younger visitors to Monticello.  Includes fun and interesting facts about Jefferson and his plantation, and introduces members of Jefferson's family and the enslaved community through their daily activities and work.