Topic: Ideas & Ideologies

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Rebellion of the Slaves in Santo Domingo

This print shows the 1791 slave insurrection in the French colony of Saint-Domingue which sparked the Haitian Revolution. By 1804, Haiti was an independent republic–a black republic–in which slavery was...
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Richard Henry Lee to Landon Carter

In this document, Thomas Jefferson recalls the life and political career of his fellow Virginian, Patrick Henry. Although he acknowledges Henry’s eloquence and commitment to the revolutionary cause, he is...
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Rights of Man

In this work, Thomas Paine related the ideals of the American Revolution to the French Revolution. After leaving the United States for France, Paine attacked monarchy and aristocracy and espoused...
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Rights of the Colonists

The radical leader Samuel Adams wrote this declaration of colonial rights in 1772. Adams said that people got their rights from “God and nature” and that government existed mainly to...
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Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence (Audio)

This is a dramatic reading of Jefferson’s rough draft of the Declaration of Independence which he presented to the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. In the document’s powerful preamble,...
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Scholars at a Lecture

William Hogarth’s print “Scholars at a Lecture” depicts an all-male eighteenth-century college classroom. The facial expressions of confused and bored students make us doubt the usefulness of the professor’s lecture....
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Short Review of the Declaration

This text was a critical response by a British philosopher to the American Declaration of Independence. Presumed to be written by Jeremy Bentham, the document attacks the idea of American...
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Speech in the New York Ratification Convention

In this speech at the New York ratifying convention, Melancton Smith explained his reasons for opposing the U.S. Constitution. Smith feared that the new government would be removed from the...
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Taxation No Tyranny

Samuel Johnson, author of the famous dictionary, was one of many English critics who noted that Americans, who were so protective of their own liberties were often slaveowners. However hypocritical,...
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The Age of Reason

In his book The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine argued that churches, like governments, oppressed people and took their property and their rights. In 1776, many Americans agreed with Paine’s...