This three-stage lesson explores Thomas Jefferson’s plans to create an “Empire of Liberty” and the problems he faced in realizing his goals. In so doing, it considers the state of...
This lesson focuses on the following prompt: “Analyze the causes of and the resulting issues from the Louisiana Purchase. Concentrate your answer between the years 1790-1820.” The lesson will allow...
A person’s online social media presence can reveal a great deal about his or her interests, political views, and personality. In this lesson, students will analyze a number of different...
When Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France, he commissioned Lewis and Clark to explore the new territory. What was the purpose behind this mission? Were they sent as explorers...
In this lesson, students will learn about the different ways a country can extend its boundaries by examining the context of the Louisiana Purchase in American history. Students will begin...
In this lesson, students will study the journals of Lewis and Clark and analyze the journals, specifically looking at information in the journal entries that describe hardships faced by Lewis...
Artist G. B. McIntosh imagines the arrival at Monticello of a shipment of items sent to Thomas Jefferson by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the spring of 1806. Seen in the...