
Transcript for: Bloody Butchery by the British Troops


Being the PARTICULARS of the VICTORIOUS BATTLE fought at and near CONCORD, situated Twenty Miles from Boston, in the Providence of the Massachusetts-Bay, between Two Thousand Regular Troops, belonging to His Britannic Majesty, and a few Hundred Provincial Troops, belonging to the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, which lasted from sunrise until sunset, on the 19th of April, 1775, when it was decided greatly in favor of the latter. These particulars are published in this cheap form, at the request of the friends of the deceased WORTHIES, who died gloriously fighting in the CAUSE OF LIBERTY and their COUNTRY, and it is their sincere desire that every Householder in the country, who are sincere well-wishers to America, may be possessed of the same, either to frame and glass, or otherwise to preserve in their houses, not only as a Token of Gratitude to the memory of the Deceased Forty Persons, but as a perpetual memorial of that important event, on which, perhaps, may depend the future Freedom and Greatness of the Commonwealth of America. To which is annexed a Funeral Elegy on those who were slain in the Battle.

From E. RUSSELL’S Salem Gazette, or Newbury and Marblehead Advertiser, published on Friday, April 21, 1775

. ON Tuesday evening the eighteenth instant, a body of soldiers under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, to the amount of about eight hundred men, embarked from Barton’s Point in Boston, about eleven o’clock, crossed Charles-River, landed at Phips’s-Farm, in Cambridge, and marched immediately up to Lexiington, near twelve miles from Boston; at sunrise they observing between thirty and forty inhabitants exercising near the meeting-house, the Commanding-Officer ordered them to lay down their arms and disperse, which not being directly complied with he “demanded them for a pack of rebels,” ordered his men to fire upon them, and killed eight men upon the spot, besides wounding several more. The army then proceeded to Concord, drew up on the parade, near the meeting-house, during which time the inhabitants from the neighboring towns collected and took possession of the adjacent hills; about eleven o’clock the firing began on both sides, which lasted near an hour, when the regular troops began to retreat, the provincials closely pursuing them to a bridge at a small distance, which the regulars took up as they passed; they then renewed the fire, and some were slain on both sides; but the regulars still retreated, and the provincials pursued them down to Lexington, where the regulars, about three o’clock in the afternoon, met with a reinforcement of about twelve hundred men commanded by Earl Percy, with two brass field pieces; they again renewed the attack upon the provincials, but soon thought proper further to retreat towards their head-quarters, the provincials pursued them into Charlestown, where they arrived at 6 o’clock; taking immediately, an advantageous post on Bunker’s Hill, about a mile from the ferry; the provincials now discontinued the pursuit. The loss on either side we have not yet been able to ascertain, but it is said about one hundred regulars were killed and fifty wounded among which were several officers: Two officers and a number of soldiers were taken prisoners. On the part of the province, we hear that thirty-five were slain, and several wounded. The above is as particular an account of the engagement, as can at this time be collected, in the present confused state of the province.

We hear an officer and his servant, with two pair of pistols, were yesterday taken and secured by our people, at Roxbury, on their way to Castle-William.

SALEM, April 25.
LAST Wednesday, the nineteenth of April, the troops of his Britannic Majesty commenced hostilities upon the people of this province, attended with circumstances of cruelty not less brutal than what our venerable Ancestors received from the vilest savages of the wilderness. The particulars relative to this interesting event, by which we are involved in all the horrors of a civil war, we have endeavored to collect as well as the present confused state of affairs will admit.

On Thursday evening a detachment from the army, consisting, it is said, of eight or nine hundred men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, embarked at the bottom of the common in Boston, on board a number of boats, and landed at Philips’s-farm, a little way up Charles-River, from whence they proceeded with silence and expedition, on their way to Concord, about twenty miles from Boston. The people were soon alarmed, and began to assemble, in several towns, before day-light, in order to watch the motion of the troops. At Lexington, six miles below Concord, a company of militia, of about one hundred men, mustered near the meeting-house; the troops came in sight of them just before sunrise; and running within a few rods of them, the Commanding-Officer accosted the militia in words to this effect: –“Disperse you rebels –Damn you throw down your arms and disperse;’ Upon which the troops huzza’d, and immediately one or two officers discharged their pistols, which were instantaneously followed by the firing of four or five of the soldiers, and then there seemed to be a general discharge from the whole body. Eight of our men were killed, and nine wounded. In a few minutes after this action the enemy renewed their march for Concord; at which place they destroyed several carriages, carriage-wheels, and about twenty barrels of flour, all belonging to the province. Here about one hundred men, going towards a bridge, of which the enemy were in possession, the latter fired, and killed two of our men, who then returned the fire, and obliged the enemy to retreat back to Lexington, where they met Lord Percy, with a large reinforcement, with two pieces of cannon. The enemy now having a body of about eighteen hundred men made a halt, picked up many of their dead, and took care of their wounded. At Menotomy, a few of the men, belonging to the detachment from Lynn-End, attacked a party of twelve of the enemy (carrying stores and provisions to the troops) killed two of them, wounded several, took six prisoners, shot five horses, and took possession of all their arms, stores, provisions, &c., without any loss on our side; among those who were killed was a Lieutenant, who went with the provisions for his recreation, and to view the country, the officer of the guard who generally attends on such occasions being only a serjant. –The enemy having halted one or two hours at Lexington, found it necessary to make a second retreat, carrying with them many of their dead and wounded, who they put into chaises and on horses that they found standing in the road. They continued their retreat from Lexington to Charlestown with great precipitation; and notwithstanding their field pieces, our people continued the pursuit, firing at them until they got to Charlestown neck, (which they reached a little after sunset) over which the enemy passed, proceeded up Bunker’s Hill, and soon afterwards went into the town, under the protection of the Somerset man of war of seventy-four guns.

In Lexington the enemy set fire to Deacon Joseph’s Loring’s house and barn, Mrs. Mulliken’s house and shop, and Mr. Joshua Ind’s house and shop, which were all consumed. The also set fire to several other houses, but our people extinguished the flames. They pillaged almost every house they passed by, breaking and destroying doors, windows, glasses, &c., and carrying off clothing and other valuable effects. it appeared to be their design to burn and destroy all before them; and nothing but our vigorous pursuit prevented their infernal purposes from being put in execution. But the savage barbarity exercised upon the bodies of our unfortunate brethren who fell, is almost incredible. Not content with shooting down the unarmed, aged, and infirm, they disregarded the cries of the wounded, killed them without mercy, and mangling their bodies in the most shocking manner.

We have the pleasure to say that notwithstanding the highest provocations given by the enemy, not one instance of cruelty, that we have heard of was committed by our victorious militia; but, listened to the merciful dictates of the christian religion, they “breathed higher sentiments of humanity.”

By an account of the loss of the enemy, said to have come from an officer of one of the men of war, it appears that sixty-three of the regulars, and forty-nine marines were killed, and one hundred and three of both wounded : In all two hundred and fifteen. Lieut. Gould, of the fourth regiment, who is wounded, and Lieut. Potter, of the marines, and about twelve soldiers, are prisoners.

Mr. James Howard and one of the regulars discharged their pieces at the same instant, and each killed the other.

The public most sincerely sympathize with the friends, and relations of our deceased brethren, who gloriously sacrificed their lives in fighting for the liberties of their country. By their noble, intrepid conduct, in helping to defeat the forces of an ungrateful Tyrant, they have endeared their memories to the present generation, who will transmit their virtues down to the latest posterity.

The above account is the best we have been able to obtain. We can only add, that the town of Boston is now invested by a vast army of our brave countrymen, who have flown to our assistance from all quarters. GOD grant them assistance in the extirpation of our cruel and unnatural enemies.

SALEM, May 5.
ON the nineteenth of April, was killed among others, by the British troops, at Menotomy, as he was courageously defending his country’s rights, the good, the pious, and friendly MR. DANIEL TOWNSEND, of Lynn-End. He was a constant and ready friend to the poor and afflicted; a good adviser in case of difficulty, and an able, mild, and sincere reprover of those who were out of the way. In short, he was a friend to his country, a blessing to society, and an ornament to the church of which he was a member. He has left an amiable consort, and five young children, to bewail the loss.

Lie, valiant Townsend, in the peaceful shades. –We trust
Immortal honors mingle with thy dust.
What! tho’ thy body struggled in the gore;
So did thy Savior’s body long before!
And as he rais’d his own, by power divine;}
So the same power shall also quicken thine,}
And in eternal glory mayst thou shine.}

On Thursday the twentieth past, the bodies of eleven of the unfortunate persons who fell in the battle, were collected together and buried at Medford.

And on Friday the bodies of Messrs. Henry Jacobs, Samuel Cook, Ebenezer Goldthwait, George Southwick, Benjamin Daland, Jun. Jotham Webb, and Perley Putnam, of Danvers, who were likewise slain fighting in the GLORIOUS CAUSE OF LIBERTY AND THEIR COUNTRY, on the nineteenth of April, were respectfully interred among their friends in the different parishes belonging to that town, their corpse being attended to the place of interment by two companies of minute-men from this place, and a large concourse of people from this and the neighboring towns; previous to that interment, an excellent and well adapted prayer was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Holt, of that place.

Same day, the remains of Messrs. Azel Porter and Daniel Thompson, of Woburn, who also fell victims to tyranny, were decently interred at that place, attended to the grave by a multitude of persons who assembled on the occasion from that and the neighboring towns: Before they were interred, a very suitable sermon and prayer was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Sherman.

Captain Thomas Knights, of the fifth regiment, died at Boston the next day after the engagement, of his wounds he received in the same. He was greatly regretted being esteemed one of the best officers among the King’s troops.

Lieut. Hull, of the regulars, died of his wounds on Wednesday last at the provincial hospital: His remains were next day conveyed to Charlestown, attended by a company of provincials, and several officers of distinction, and there delivered to the order of General Gage. Twenty-three wounded soldiers lately died at the Castle.

Lieutenant Hawkshaw was wounded in the cheek, and it is tho’t will not recover.

Lieutenant Gore was wounded in the arm: About 12 other officers are wounded.

We can assure the public, from the best authority, that our brethren, of all the colonies which we can yet have heard from, are firm and unshaken in their attachment to the common cause of America; and that they are now ready, with their lives and fortunes, to assist us in defeating the cruel designs of our implacable enemies.

We have received no particulars of the transactions between General Gage and the inhabitants of Boston. It is certain that the people have delivered up their arms; very few of them have, however been permitted to leave the town, notwithstanding the promise of the General.

The following is a list of the Provincials who were KILLED and WOUNDED.
Belonging to LEXINGTON.

1 * Mr. Robert Monroe,

6 * Mr. Isaac Muzzy,

2 * Mr. Jonas Parker,

7 * Mr. John Brown,

3 * Mr. Samuel Hadley,

8 Mr. John Raymond,

4 * Mr. Jonathan Harrington,

9 Mr. Nathaniel Wyman,

5 * Mr. Caleb Harrington,

10 Mr. Jedediah Munroe.


1 Mr. John Robbins

6 Mr. Joseph Amee

2 Mr. John Tidd

7 Mr. Ebenezer Munroe

3 Mr. Solomon Pierce

8 Mr. Francis Brown

4 Mr. Thomas Winship

9 Prince Easterbrooks

5 Mr. Nathan Parmer

(a Negro Man)


11 Mr. Jason Russell

13 Jason Winship

12 Mr. Jabez Wyman

MISSING, (supposed to be on board one of the men of war)
Mr. Samuel Frost

Mr. Seth Russell


14 Deacon Haynes

15 Mr. —- Reed


16 Captain Miles
17 Captain Jonathan Willson
18 Captain Davis

20 Mr. James Howard

19 Mr. —— Hosmer


21 * Mr. Azel Porter

22 Mr. Daniel Thompson


10 Mr. George Reed

11 Mr. Jacob Bacon


23 Mr. James Miller.

24 Captain William Barber’s Son, aged 14


25 Isaac Gardiner, Esquire


26 Mr. John Hicks


27 Mr. Henry Putnam,
12 Mr. William Polly.



28 Mr. Abednego Ramsdell

30 William Flint

29 Daniel Townsend

31 Thomas Hadley


13 Mr. Joshua Felt

14 Mr. Timothy Munroe


32 Mr. Henry Jacobs

36 Mr. Benjamin Daland, jun.

33 Mr. Samuel Cook

37 Mr. Jotham Webb

34 Mr. Ebenezer Goldthwait

38 Perley Putnam

35 Mr. George Southwick


15 Mr. Nathan Putnam 16 Mr. Dennis Wallis
39 Mr. Benjamin Pierce

40 —— Kennison


17 Mr. Samuel Woodbury

18 Mr. Nathaniel Cleaves


19 Mr. —– Hemmenway.
20 Mr. John Lane.

Those distinguished with this mark [*] were killed by the first fire of the enemy.

Of those WORTHIES who were slain in the
Battle of CONCORD, April 19, 1775.

AID me ye nine! my muse assist,
A sad tale to relate,
When such a number of brave men
Met their unhappy fate.
At Lexington they met their foe
Completely all equipp’d,
Their guns & swords made glit’ring show,
But their base schemes were nipp’d.
Americans, go drop a tear
Where your slain brethren lay!
O! mourn and sympathize for them!
O! weep this very day!
What shall we say to this loud call
From the Almighty sent?
It surely bids both great and small
Seek GOD’s face and repent.
Words can’t express the ghastly scene
That here presents to view,
When forty of our brave countrymen
Sure bid their friends adieu.
O! think how awful it must seem,
To hear widows relent
Their husbands and their children
Who to their graves were sent.
The tender babes, nay those unborn,
O! dismal cruel death!
To snatch their fondest parents dear
And leave them thus bereft.
O! Lexington! your loss is great!
Alas! too great to tell;
But justice bids me to relate
What to you has befell.
Ten of your hardy, bravest sons,
Some in their prime did fall;
May we no more hear noise of guns,
To terrify us all.
Let’s not forget the Danvers race,
So late in battle slain,
Their valor and their courage shown,
Upon this crimson’d plain.
Seven of your youthful sprightly sons
In the fierce fight were slain,
O! may your loss be all made up,
And prove a lasting gain.
Cambridge and Medford’s loss is great,
Though not like Acton’s town,
Where three fierce military sons
Met their untimely doom.
Menotomy and Charlestown met
A sore and heavy stroke,
In losing five of their towsmen
Who fell by a tyrant’s yoke.
Unhappy Lynn and Beverly,
Your loss I do bemoan,
Five your brave sons in dust doth lie,
Who late were in the bloom.
Bedford, Woburn, Sudbury, all,
Have suffer’d most severe,
You miss five of your choicest chore,
On them let’s drop a tear.
Concord, your Captain’s fate rehearse,
His loss is felt severe,
Come, brethren, join with me in verse,
His mem’ry hence revere.
O! ‘Squire Gardiner’s death we feel,
And sympathizing mourn,
Let’s drop a tear when it we tell,
And view his hapless urn.
We sore regret poor Pierce’s death,
A stroke to Salem known,
Whose tears did flow from every brow,
When the sad tidings come.
The groans of wounded, dying men,
Would melt the stoutest soul,
O! how it strikes thro’ every vein,
My flesh and blood runs cold.
May all prepare to meet their fate
At GOD’s tribunal bar,
And may war’s terrible alarm,
For death us not prepare.
Your country calls you far and near,
America’s sons awake,
Your helmet, buckler, and your spear,
The LORD’s own arm now make.
His shield will keep us from all harm,
Tho’ thousands ‘gainst us rise,
His buckler we must sure put on,
If we would win the prize.