
It’s All French to Me

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Template

Title: It’s all French To Me

Descriptive Subtitle: Exploring Jefferson’s relationship with France and how it impacted the founding of America and his legacy in our nation

Grade Level: Upper Elementary

Topics/subject: Pick as many as applicable and add your own as needed.

Author Information:

 Name: Chrissy Saunders

Email: [email protected]

School: Chimborazo Elementary School

City: Richmond

State: Virginia

Duration: 30 minutes – 60 minutes

Overview: Whole group Power Point presentation with teacher notes with corresponding differentiated graphic organizer

 Prior knowledge:

  • Students should have a general knowledge of who Thomas Jefferson was and the time period he lived


VS.1 A – The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship, including the ability to identify and interpret artifacts and primary and secondary source documents to understand events in history

VS.1 D – The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship, including the ability to draw conclusions and make generalizations


Students will understand how ideas can be shared throughout a variety of cultures and time periods.

Students will be able to identify what a primary source is, how to make inferences when using primary sources, and define unfamiliar words using a dictionary.

 Students will know what neoclassical architecture is, be able to identify several buildings in the United States with neoclassical designs, define new words, and understand Jefferson’s viewpoint towards the French.


  1. Display on the power point the picture of both the picture of the Temple in France and the Virginia State Capitol. Ask students to complete the chart that asks them to identify similarities in both buildings and differences. (About 3 minutes)
  2. Guided Discussion – What did each student write? What similarities do the two buildings share? What are some of the differences? What building do we think is older? Do we know of other buildings that look similar to these two? (About 10 minutes)
  3. Power Point Presentation – Explore the Power point that explains what neoclassical architecture is and how Thomas Jefferson’s designs show he was inspired by the French culture.
  4. Primary Source Activity – Explore how we know Thomas Jefferson was influenced by French culture by reading quotes that show his respect and interest in France. In small groups, individually, or in a whole group setting, have students complete the primary source activity sheet with a quote from the quotes page.


  • Power Point presentation
  • Interactive notes hand out
  • Letter quotes/autobiography quote
  • Primary source hand out
  • Dictionary

Assessment(s): Class discussion participation, completion of handouts

Assessment Criteria: N.A.


  • Interactive notes chart – students can be given the opportunity to draw rather than write their responses