‘Dreams of the Future’: Investigating Thomas Jefferson’s Youth To Achieve Our Own Goals

Duration: 80 minute class period

Students often find history intangible, especially when it is the study of “dead white guys”. In this lesson, students consider their own personal goals for the future and investigate Thomas Jefferson’s experiences as a young man in order to help them reach their own goals.

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Dreams of the Future Handout #1 - Goals and Aspirations     View  |  Download
  • Dreams of the Future Handout #2 - The Accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson     View  |  Download
  • Dreams of the Future Handout #3 - Analysis Sheet     View  |  Download
  • Dreams of the Future Teacher Sample - The Accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson     View  |  Download
  • Dreams of the Future Source Packet - Jefferson's Upbringing in Central Virginia     View  |  Download
  • Dreams of the Future Source Packet - Jefferson's Time in Williamsburg     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

High School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Interdisciplinary Connections

Music, archaeology, gardening.

Author Info

Eric Schmalz
[email protected]
Monticello High School
1400 Independence Way
Charlottesville, VA 22902