Topic: Economics

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Jefferson to Madame de Corny

In this letter to his friend Madame de Corny, Thomas Jefferson conceded that London was a great place to shop. Jefferson, who held a diplomatic post in Paris in the...
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Jefferson to Meriwether Lewis

Jefferson sent these detailed instructions to Meriwether Lewis in June 1803. The president wanted Lewis and his associate, William Clark, to gather all sorts of information on their expedition, but...
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Jefferson to William Henry Harrison

In this letter to the governor of the Indiana territory, President Jefferson explained how he would get the American Indians to give up their lands to white farmers. Jefferson’s plan...
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Jefferson’s Sixth Annual Message to Congress

President Jefferson delivered this address to Congress a few months after Lewis and Clark returned from their expedition. In a message dominated by foreign policy problems and issues, mostly related...
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Jefferson’s Third Annual Message to Congress

In this message to Congress, Jefferson argued that Louisiana was well worth its $15 million price. The vast territory included both the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans....
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Jolley Allen in The Boston Post Boy

This newspaper advertisement shows the variety of imported goods that Jolley Allen sold in his Boston shop in 1768. Most of Allen’s business involved selling cloth and millinery items, which...
Lesson Plan

Making the Case: Can Limited Government Last?

Limited government is one of the basic principles of American Government. The origins of this concept can be found in a variety of influential primary source documents. You will take...
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Map of Carolina

This 1732 map shows English claims in the southeastern part of North America. South Carolina land-holders received royal permission, or a charter, from the British crown in 1663 to develop...
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Marche D’esclaves

This image from a French source portrays the wrenching experience for Africans of capture, sale, and separation from their land and kinsmen. Designed to promote anti-slavery sentiment, it highlights the...
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Molasses Act

Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733 in order to encourage North American British colonists to buy sugar products, such as molasses and rum, from other British colonies. The law...