Topic: Economics

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Money Scales with Case

This money scale was used to weigh precious metals to determine their value. Gold and silver coins were weighed to ensure that they had not been cut or shaved. Although...
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New England Restraining Act

The New England Restraining Act was passed by Parliament in order to punish the colonies for their boycott of British goods. The law prohibited the New England colonies from trading...
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Newfoundland Fishery

This image portrays the process of curing, drying, and salting codfish caught off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The Grand Banks supported one of the most thriving fishing industries in...
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Newfoundland Fishery

This image portrays the process of curing, drying, and salting codfish caught off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The Grand Banks supported one of the most thriving fishing industries in...
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NY Merchants Non-Importation Agreement

This document records the response of New York City merchants to the Stamp Act. In order to express their opposition to the measure, merchants agreed among themselves not to import...
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Objections to Taxation

Soame Jenyns, a member of Parliament, wrote this pamphlet, The Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies by the Legislature of Great Britain, in 1765. Jenyns defended Parliament’s right...
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Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser

This edition of the Pennsylvania Journal was printed on the eve of the day on which the Stamp Act was to go into effect. Featuring a black border and skull...
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Remarks on the Slave Trade

This influential broadside introduced white Americans to the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The print shows how the traders loaded human cargo on the slave ships. The text describes...
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Remarks on the Slave Trade

This influential broadside introduced white Americans to the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The print shows how the traders loaded human cargo on the slave ships. The text describes...
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Resistance to the Stamp Act

This image features an imagined scene of Bostonians’ resistance to the Stamp Act. The image was produced by a German-Polish engraver almost twenty years after the Stamp Act, in the...