Topic: Jefferson

Lesson Plan

It’s All French to Me

Exploring Jefferson’s relationship with France and how it impacted the founding of America and his legacy in our nation
Lesson Plan

Jefferson and Expansion: Scaffolding Student Understanding of Cause and Effect

This lesson focuses on the following prompt: “Analyze the causes of and the resulting issues from the Louisiana Purchase. Concentrate your answer between the years 1790-1820.” The lesson will allow...
Lesson Plan

Purposeful Education, According to Thomas Jefferson

This is a document analysis lesson where students will use Jefferson’s ideas to learn about the benefits of pursuing higher education. In a college preparatory course (AVID), this lesson will...
Lesson Plan

Red Soil & Dimensional Analysis

An exploration of ternary graphs and the science behind the red soil at Monticello, and a journey through calculations which give us a better understanding of how much work the...
Lesson Plan

The Election of 1800: Revolutionary Stability

This lesson is a combination of a few different approaches: students will study primary writings of Jefferson and Adams, examine a range of online documents and images in a DBQ...
Lesson Plan

Unalienable Rights – Who Says?

How would different people (from different times) interpret an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence?
Lesson Plan

Hashtag- What Would Thomas Jefferson’s Instagram Stream Reveal about Him?

A person’s online social media presence can reveal a great deal about his or her interests, political views, and personality. In this lesson, students will analyze a number of different...
Lesson Plan

Monticello: Thomas Jefferson’s Autobiography

What was Thomas Jefferson’s public persona and private personality? In this lesson students will use Monticello, Jefferson’s meticulously designed home, as a primary source in their analysis and eventual determination...
Lesson Plan

Unconventional Enemies: Should the United States negotiate with terrorists?

This lesson plan helps students make connections between Thomas Jefferson’s handling of the Barbary Pirates and contemporary presidential actions toward unconventional enemies of the United States, including Jimmy Carter’s Iran...
Lesson Plan

Jefferson & Washington: The Pursuit of Happiness

At the time of George Washington’s death in 1799, the relationship between ‘Founding Brothers’ Thomas Jefferson and George Washington had disintegrated, primarily as the result of a personal letter Thomas...