Topic: Slavery

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Taxation No Tyranny

Samuel Johnson, author of the famous dictionary, was one of many English critics who noted that Americans, who were so protective of their own liberties were often slaveowners. However hypocritical,...
Lesson Plan

Textiles at Monticello: Gender and Work

The purpose this overview is to alert teachers to the fact that there are three lesson plans that can either be used together or separately.Lesson 1. Uses secondary sources to teach...
Lesson Plan

The Aftermath of Gabriel’s Rebellion: Jefferson and the Reaction of Virginia to the Slave Conspiracy of 1800

In 1800 white Virginians discovered one of the largest slave conspiracies in the entire history of the slave-holding South.  It was a consequence of a confluence of developments, including the...
Lesson Plan

The Evolving Legacy of Thomas Jefferson and Monticello

In this activity, students will analyze and interpret the evolving perception of Thomas Jefferson and life at Monticello. Students will analyze primary and secondary source material. Students will then have...
Lesson Plan

The Liberty of the Whole Earth

Thomas Jefferson and French and Haitian Revolutions
Lesson Plan

The Lives & Experiences of Enslaved Laborers at Monticello

Students will become more knowledgeable and empathetic of enslaved people living at Monticello under Thomas Jefferson. Students will study primary source accounts and interact with a virtual map of Mulberry...
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The Old Plantation

This painting shows slaves dancing on a southern plantation. African music and dance traditions survived in America, where they also influenced the culture of southern whites. In real life, however,...
Lesson Plan

The Role of a Plantation Mistress

Martha Wayles Jefferson’s account book...
Lesson Plan

Thomas Jefferson – Patient

The practice of medicine in Jefferson's time was based on time honored theories that often did more harm to the patient then good.  Depending on one's station in life, medical care by...
Lesson Plan

Thomas Jefferson’s Attitudes Toward Slavery

This unit takes a look at Thomas Jefferson's writings on slavery throughout the course of his lifetime and places them on a timeline of major events of his life. ...