Forging Independence within the Confines of Plantation Life

Duration: 4 days total (45 minute class periods)

Over the course of his lifetime, Thomas Jefferson owned over six hundred enslaved African Americans. While he only freed a small handful –either during his life, or upon his death– it is clear through surviving source material and witness accounts that despite their enslaved condition, a handful of African American individuals were able to take…

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Forging Independence within the Confines of Slavery     View  |  Download
  • Jefferson Randolph Account Ledger     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

High School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Interdisciplinary Connections

The reading comprehension of both primary and secondary sources on the Monticello Classroom website can be tied to the English Language Arts standards within the Common Core.

Author Info

Rachel Pitkin
[email protected]
The Brooklyn Latin School
81 Sterling Place
Apt. 4
Brooklyn, NY 11217