Enslavement and the Enslaved at Monticello

Duration: 240 min

In this lesson, lives of enslaved people living at Monticello will be explored, analyzed, and documented by students.  Enslaved people such as Sally Hemings and her family, along with other enslaved persons will be analyzed.  The focal point of the activities is centered around Monticello’s Mulberry Row.

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Enslavement and the Enslaved at Monticello: Blank history lab template     View  |  Download
  • Enslavement and the Enslaved at Monticello: Essay planning sheet     View  |  Download
  • Enslavement and the Enslaved at Monticello: photo analysis worksheet     View  |  Download
  • Enslavement and the Enslaved at Monticello: QR code for Padlet     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

Middle School

Type of Lesson

Cooperative Learning

Common Core Standards

SS.6.A.2.3 Differentiate economic systems of New England, Middle and Southern colonies including indentured servants and slaves as labor sources.

SS.6.A.3.15 Examine this time period (1763-1815) from the perspective of historically under-represented groups (children, indentured servants, Native Americans, slaves, women, working class).

Author Info

Name: Sheldon Wilson
Email: [email protected]
School: Herbert A. Ammons Middle School
City: Miami
State: Florida