Jefferson’s International Relevance: The Declaration of Independence

Duration: 1-2 class periods

In this lesson, students will discuss the idea of globalization existing, not as a late twentieth century phenomenon, but as a process taking place as early as the late eighteenth century. Thomas Jefferson was tasked to write a declaration of independence in 1776 after American colonists protested harsh laws, such as the Stamp Act, put…

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  • Jefferson's International Relevance: The Declaration of Independence Lesson Plan     View  |  Download
  • Jefferson's International Relevance: The Declaration of Independence Powerpoint     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

Middle School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Author Info

Melissa Mitchem
[email protected]
Casablanca American School
Route de la Mecque, Lotissement Ougoug, Quartier Californie
Casablanca, MA 20150