Thomas Jefferson’s Expectations

Duration: 58 min

Using Jefferson quotes and primary and secondary sources, this lesson focuses on the importance of education and why we need to value education today. The goal of the lesson is to motivate students to be constant learners, and demonstrate how that value has never really faded away from history.

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Thomas Jefferson's Expectations lesson primary sources     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson's Expectations lesson modified primary sources     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson's Expectations Quotes and Primary Source information     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson's Expectations Instruction Slides     View  |  Download
  • Thomas Jefferson's Expectations Doc Tool Analysis Organizer     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

High School

Type of Lesson

Document Analysis

Author Info

Samantha Westerdale
[email protected]
Rangeview High School, Aurora CO
Aurora, CO