Topic: Jefferson's Personal Life & Family

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Shadwell House Foundation

Archaeologists excavate the site of the Shadwell house, Jefferson’s boyhood home....
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Shadwell Plantation Marker

Sign on VA Route 250 marking the location of Jefferson's birthplace, Shadwell Plantation, which became part of Monticello....
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Sketch of ‘Marygold’, Calendula officinalis

Sketch of a marigold flower (Calendula officinalis), which Jefferson recorded planting at his boyhood home, Shadwell.   More on this plant in the "In Bloom" feature on ...
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Jefferson purchased this “achromatic” telescope while in London in 1786....
Lesson Plan

The Aftermath of Gabriel’s Rebellion: Jefferson and the Reaction of Virginia to the Slave Conspiracy of 1800

In 1800 white Virginians discovered one of the largest slave conspiracies in the entire history of the slave-holding South.  It was a consequence of a confluence of developments, including the...
Lesson Plan

The Lives & Experiences of Enslaved Laborers at Monticello

Students will become more knowledgeable and empathetic of enslaved people living at Monticello under Thomas Jefferson. Students will study primary source accounts and interact with a virtual map of Mulberry...
Lesson Plan

The Musical Instruments of Monticello

Explore 18th and 19th Century Instruments and Recreate Thomas Jefferson’s Metronome...
Lesson Plan

The Role of a Plantation Mistress

Martha Wayles Jefferson’s account book...
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Third-floor Bedroom

Some of Jefferson’s grandchildren are known to have used this space as a bedroom during his retirement...
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Thomas Jefferson

Miniature painting of Jefferson by John Trumbull