Roles of African-Americans and their lives on Mulberry Row

Duration: 60 min

To analyze primary resources, identify plantation duties and roles, and interpret a memoir of slave descendant.

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  • Roles of Slaves on Mulberry Row picture file     View  |  Download
  • Roles of Slaves on Mulberry Row Worksheet     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

Elementary School

Type of Lesson

Research Project

  1. The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and      responsible citizenship, including the ability to
  2. identify and interpret artifacts and primary and secondary source                 documents to  understand events in history;
  3. d) draw conclusions and make generalizations;
  4. e) make connections between past and present;
  5. g) interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives;
  6. h) evaluate and discuss issues orally and in writing;

             Review: VS. 3e The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement in America by identifying the importance of the arrival of Africans and English women to the Jamestown settlement;

  1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of life in the Virginia colony by
  2. a) explaining the importance of agriculture and its influence on the institution of slavery;
  3. b) describing how the culture of colonial Virginia reflected the origins of European  (English, Scots-Irish, German) immigrants, Africans, and American Indians;
Author Info

Name: Kisha Christian MT, B.S
Email: [email protected]
School: Oak Grove Bellemeade Elemenatry School, RPS District
School Address: 2409 Webber Ave.
City: Richmond
State: VA