Topic: Jefferson's Public Life & Politics

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Boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase

This map shows the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase as recognized today. In 1802, the U.S. and its territories occupied most of the land to east.

Thomas Jefferson: President of the United States

In 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran for president of the United States. John Adams also wanted to be president. Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran as Republicans. John Adams and Charles Pinkney ran as Federalists. There were many differences between the two groups.Republicans felt that the government belonged to all the people. They believed most people could…

Lesson Plan

Does Slaveholding Tarnish Jefferson’s Legacy?

The impact of slaveholding on Jefferson’s legacy
Lesson Plan

Frenemies: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

In this lesson, students will complete a Nearpod that discusses the philosophical and political differences between Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Ideally this lesson comes after the completion of the...
Lesson Plan

Personal Morals vs. Political Moves

Because he wrote that “all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence in 1776, should Thomas Jefferson be thought of as a hypocrite for owning slaves?
Lesson Plan

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom DBQ

Students will explore primary sources to gain a full understanding of the context, content, and lasting impact of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Students will evaluate primary source documents...
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Empire of Liberty or Empire of Slavery?

This three-stage lesson explores Thomas Jefferson’s plans to create an “Empire of Liberty” and the problems he faced in realizing his goals. In so doing, it considers the state of...
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Jefferson and Expansion: Scaffolding Student Understanding of Cause and Effect

This lesson focuses on the following prompt: “Analyze the causes of and the resulting issues from the Louisiana Purchase. Concentrate your answer between the years 1790-1820.” The lesson will allow...
Lesson Plan

The Election of 1800: Revolutionary Stability

This lesson is a combination of a few different approaches: students will study primary writings of Jefferson and Adams, examine a range of online documents and images in a DBQ...