This image was originally created by Benjamin Franklin prior to the Seven Years’ War. In the face of threats from the French and the American Indians, Franklin encouraged the colonists...
This image is a popular depiction of the American eagle. During the American Revolution, the eagle came to represent the American ideals of freedom and virtue. Like the image on...
This popular engraving is a symbolic portrayal of the early United States. The female goddess of Liberty nourishes the eagle, a symbol of the young republic. Stepping on the key...
The Union Jack is the official flag of Great Britain. Its design combines the three crosses that symbolize England, Scotland, and Ireland. English monarchs claimed the crown of Ireland from...
This portrait of George Washington was painted in 1796 by Gilbert Stuart. Known as the Landsdowne portrait, it is one of the most famous images of the first president. Portraying...
This image became the basis for the Great Seal of the United States. In 1782 Congress adopted the designed created by Charles Thomson, a government official. The bald eagle, an...
This image portrays the idea of nationhood in the new republic. Produced by a Connecticut engraver during George Washington’s second term as president, the image presents Washington, the country’s great...
As secretary of state and later as president, Jefferson experimented with cryptography, or secret writing. To keep his political enemies from reading his letters and other documents, Jefferson invented and...
This woodcut shows bees and their hive (or apiary). Perhaps Thomas Jefferson had such an image in mind when he explained that his ideal religious denomination would be called “Apiarians”...
This image is a flag for a militia unit from Providence, Rhode Island. The flag features symbols including thirteen stars for the thirteen colonies and the slogan, “Don’t Tread on...