Unconventional Enemies: Should the United States negotiate with terrorists?

Duration: 120 min

This lesson plan helps students make connections between Thomas Jefferson’s handling of the Barbary Pirates and contemporary presidential actions toward unconventional enemies of the United States, including Jimmy Carter’s Iran hostage crisis and George W. Bush’s War on Terror.

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Handouts (PDF Format)
  • Unconventional Enemies: Carter primary sources     View  |  Download
  • Unconventional Enemies: Jefferson primary sources     View  |  Download
  • Unconventional Enemies: Kennedy primary sources     View  |  Download
  • Unconventional Enemies: slides     View  |  Download
  • Unconventional Enemies: American Response chart     View  |  Download
  • Unconventional Enemies: Bush primary sources     View  |  Download

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Grade Level

High School

Type of Lesson

Cooperative Learning

Author Info

Name: Nan Gillespie
Email: [email protected]
School: Westside High School
School Address (opt): 2851 Heath Road
City: Macon
State: GA